A social, emotional and behavioural skills-based program helping participants to:

This program can be tailored to suit the particular needs of the individual - session topics addressed can have a specific focus.

A unique, 7 session program, offers important social and emotional skills, that are necessary for coping in life.

1) Calm State- Noticing when you are becoming activated and how to regulate your nervous system using simple tools.

2) Awareness- Awareness will give you choice. Awareness of Self including thoughts, feelings and sensations, awareness of others and awareness of the environment. How to become present, aware and grounded. Noticing body language.

3) Boundaries- Understanding and becoming respectful of personal space, touch, and verbal boundaries. To discover what is OK and NOT OK. How to communicate these clearly.

4) Thoughts- Becoming aware of self-talk, beliefs and where they come from. How thoughts affect your energy, body language and actions. Noticing helpful or unhelpful thinking.

5) Feelings- Understand that feelings are information, all feelings are welcome, learn how to express them choice-fully and in a healthy manner. Become aware of the early sensations so that you can act earlier. Surf the urge.

6) Relationship- The ingredients necessary to engage and develop healthy relationships. Noticing and understanding self and noticing others, give and take, mutuality. Rupture and repair work.

7) Challenges of life – How to deal with life and the challenges it throws at us.